Emerald Doulas, LLC

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All In Good Time: When Should I Hire A Doula?

For most things in life, timing is everything, they say. When it comes to hiring a birth doula, we’d have to agree… well, sort of. 

It may surprise you to hear that there is no “perfect time” to hire a birth doula. That said, of course, you’ll get more out of the relationship with your birth doula team, by researching and finding you perfect match sooner rather than later.

But don’t worry, we’ve got your back, if you wait until the last minute too!

The Early Birds

We’re so very often contacted by families who are in the earliest days of their pregnancies. Maybe they’ve just confirmed the pregnancy at their care provider’s office, or they’ve just ahem…. POAS (that’s "Peed On A Stick" for those not on the conception message boards) and gotten back their first positive pregnancy test.

Yay! So exciting! Now come the fine details... 

A lot of our clients are very organized and often, very planned people; and this holds true for them as they begin to put together their dream birth team. Hiring a doula as soon as possible allows them to utilize their doulas’ experience and knowledge and leverage that "In-Person Google" to fully research each option, educate themselves on all their choices, and have as much time as possible getting to know their providers and their doulas. 

Our model is uniquely positioned to support families who align with the Early Bird mindset, because they can attend the most Community Prenatal Meetings.

Early Birds are really getting the most value out of our services and have the time to take advantage of all that we offer.

Our topics rotate monthly (from Positioning at Birth to Friends and Family (Helpful or Not), to Physical Recovery from Birth and more!), so there’s also fresh information, and honestly, they’re SO much fun.

Plus, our Early Birds are getting as much in-person interactions with their doula team as they can.

Sometimes, up to 24 hours of total prenatal preparation!! 

By the time their Birthing Day rolls around, they’ve established a connection with both doulas (and usually our entire team here at EmDo), and know that their doulas can support them a respond seamlessly to their needs in the moment. 

A lot of our former clients tell us that the Community Prenatal Meetings were one of the best benefits of Emerald Doulas.

The Snails

But, wait. What about the rest of us, who maybe tend to be a little… slower with decisions? Or, we, who wait to the last minute before making a commitment? 

Don’t worry Snails, we’ve got you covered too. 

As often as we’re hired in the earliest days of pregnancy, we’re just about equally hired by families who wait until 35, 36 or 37 weeks, and yes… even a few 40 weekers. 

Our Snails are sometimes families who have a history of miscarriage or loss, who might be hesitant to commit to a doula before the birth feels imminent for them. Or, maybe they’re families who are expecting subsequent children, or who otherwise live busy, busy lives. Often times, these families experience pregnancies which pass by in the blink of an eye (“Wait, I’m 36 weeks tomorrow?!?). Or maybe they’ve just been on the fence about needing a doula to begin with. 

Whatever your reason, our extended team of experienced, “seasoned” doulas is here for you. 

So, yes, okay, maybe there is an ideal time to hire a doula. But that perfect time will vary from family to family.

Yes, there are benefits to choosing doula support earlier in your pregnancy. And if we were pressed, we might even say that most families hire doulas sometime between weeks 25-32 of pregnancy. And, yes, you’ll be in good company if you’re 33 weeks + and just now considering this option!

Our model of a two-doula team means that ours client-capacities are flexible, and we’re fully capable of supporting you, whenever you decide you’re ready for us.