Leslie M (she/they) is a certified Lamaze International Childbirth Educator

As well as an experienced educator with specialities in human sexuality, social justice education, domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy, and nonviolent communication. Leslie's educational philosophy centers student values and priorities and equitable access to information to empower individuals to make reproductive health decisions that are right for themselves and their families.

With a Master's of Education in Human Sexuality and a breadth of work in the sexuality education field, Leslie came to birth work more recently. Leslie believes that birth is a unique moment in the human experience, with strong connections to sexuality; labor and birth often bring about new relationships to our bodies and involve an often sensual experience of tuning into the physicality of labor and birth. In this unique and vulnerable time, everyone deserves access to comprehensive, non-judgmental information to make decisions that are right for them. Leslie strives to make childbirth information accessible to all by centering student choice, equity, inclusion, and trauma-informed practices in their classes.

Outside of teaching, Leslie loves spending time with their growing family, eating delicious food, and going for long hikes in the woods.

Leslie’s Trainings and Certifications

  • Lamaze International Certified Childbirth educator, 2023

  • Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) for Educators, NC State University, 2022

  • Master's of Education, Widener University, 2021

  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in the Workplace certification, University of Southern Florida, 2021

  • Racial Equity Institute trainings, 2020 & 2021

  • Domestic Violence Advocacy training, Compass Center, 2020

  • Sexual Assault Advocacy training, Minnesota Indigenous Women's Sexual Assault Coalition, 2020

  • Peer Chaplaincy training, Unitarian Unviersalist Association, 2007 & 2017

  • Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education Facilitator Trainings, Unitarian Universalist Association, 2014 & 2016